Leaving the cave

How to clear the cache in #AdobeCaptivate?



Do you have the impression that Captivate is behaving strange (or more strange than usual)? Does Captivate react slower than you are used to?

When this happens, it is a good idea to clear the Captivate cache. This will increase both productivity and fewer nuisances.

Experience demonstrates that the best time to do this, is the first time you open Captivate in your work week, or the last time you close Captivate.


Follow the steps below to clear your cache:

  1. Open Captivate.
  2. Click Edit > Preferences.
  3. Click the button Clear Cache.
    Adobe Captivate PreferencesAdeobe Captivate Preferences

Remark: it is possible that Captivate will not respond for a while. This indicates there was a lot of data in the cache.

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